- Politics

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

First Post

It's been nearly a year since I last blogged... my old LiveJournal having been my rantspace on political, social, and economic events for roughly two years between the summer of 2003 and 2005. It was sparsely updated, not as well written as I would have liked it to be. It was angrier and less focused than I intend this to be. You can say that I've mellowed a bit, but I disagree: I believe that I have matured a bit, grown wiser about how I can opine and state my beliefs to others.

I hope this doesn't become just another progressive/liberal rantspace. I would really love honest, open, civil debate; I hope that I can do my part to assist in that goal. I plan on using this space as commentary on current and past events in the world and in America. Yes, I do try to stay informed on the news and yes, I do consider myself an amateur journalist -- how much of a typical blogger am I?

I hope to break out of that mold, though, and aspire to provide something unique, something worthwhile to the great debate in this country. Yes, I have bias; yes, one of my goals is to help unite the progressive movement in the face of long odds and a strong conservative movement. But everyone has bias, almsot everyone thinks their way is best. I do not intend this to be a neutral site, but I also do not want it to be a place where only one side is heard from.

As for a bit about me... I am about as left-wing as they come: liberal democrat (democrat as in supporter of democracy, not necessarily supporter of the Democratic Party), socialist, civil rights activist, et cetera. But I am capable of understanding and even comprimising with others who do not hold the same beliefs as I -- I have friends in the conservative movement, as well as others who fall into other socio-political affiliations. I wish I could say that I have never argued with them, but I have. But I try to keep the discourse civil, even if I am not always successful. I also have been working on my ability to do so, hoping that future arguments may be abated.

Otherwise, I am a 20-year-old male nanny. I watch a wonderful child, approaching three years of age, full time for a very close friend of mine, whom I share a home with. I am something of an amateur journalist and am always looking to be able to break into the field. I also desire to return to college and major in Computer Engineering, a path which I only have a semester worth of credits towards, due to my financial situation. I am currently a resident of southwest Ohio, and plan on settling in the area for the long-term. I am originally from the state of Michigan (go Wolverines!), and moved to Ohio after joking in late 2004 that I was going to adopt a swing state -- though ultimately that is not what brought me down here.

Anyways, I hope to make an actual post on current events sometime this week, and hope to at least be able to provide weekly posts for the time being. Until then:

Peace, love, and chicken grease.

1 comment:

Drew said...

How the hell did you end up in Dayton of all places?

And should you go into journalism, just do generic journalism or print. Take it from a guy with a B.S. in Journalism, broadcast is NOT worth the hassle.
