- Politics

Friday, August 11, 2006

Links of the Week

News Links of the Week:

Daily Kos: Two Great Democrats: Bill Clinton and Jim McDermott
- Clinton gave a frank, up front speech on the big picture of the conservative movement within the Republican Party at a campaign fundraiser for Jim McDermott.

The Columbus Dispatch - Local/State - Bob Ney is stepping down as the candidate for Congress in Ohio's 18th District and Joy Padgett steps up. But is her replacement of Ney legal? A Republican-passed state "Sore Loser" law, often called the Strickland Amendment, which was designed to prevent Strickland from running both for Senator and Governor may preclude her involvement in the race for Ohio's 18th. Republican's say it applies only to the same ballot, while Democrats say it means the same year. State Attorney General says it's legal, but Democrats plan to challenge. Padgett ran as Petro's Lt. Governor in the Republican Primary for Gubernatorial candidate.

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall August 11, 2006 06:48 PM - A Pro-Social Security phase out Democrat, ex-Sen. Bob Kerrey, has thrown his support behind Lieberman, a fellow Social Security hater. Will evil prevail? :-P

Media Matters - NBC's Today, New York Times repeated GOP claim that arrests benefit Republicans in elections, when polling shows Democrats have erased GOP advantage on the issue - And Democrat's have apparently removed the Republican's national security advantage.

And finally...
Eschaton - Aasif Mandvi - The Daily Show has a new Middle Eastern correspondent. Funny stuff.

Also, as a quick comment... apparently Democrats want to appease our enemies aboard and domestic. Really, this comes as a surprise to me. I'd love to see how this idea is justified among conservatives. Explain it to me, someone. I'd love to debate the issue.

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