- Politics

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Anti-Democrat / Green Coalition of America

I used to respect the Greeg Party, I even considered switching my official affiliation over to them between 2000 and 2004, but something made me hesitate. While I agree with many Green positions, something gave me pause. I was disgusted with Nader in 2004 for running the way he did, but he was also running independent of the Greens that election cycle, so I gave it little thought. Now, however, I'm pissed off.

A Green is running for the Senate in Pennsylvania for Santorum's seat, which is annoying enough in its typical spoiler scenario for the Democrats. But, like Nader in 2004, Carl Romanelli has accepted G.O.P. funds and the G.O.P. worked with him in order to secure the signatures for his candidacy petition. How could the Greens debase themselves so? This isn't just running to prove a point, or running to offer a third option; this is purposefully trying to spoil the election of a Democratic challenger to a seat held by a Republican incumbant. The Green Party has lost its credibility in my eyes, and in the eyes of many others. This move is down right infuriating and sickening.

1 comment:

Drew said...

WHAT?!?! Politicians are taking money from people with views different from their own?!?!?!


Any chance the Dems could offer the Greens money NOT to run, and help fund the Libertarians to battle the Republicans.

Whoever said "Politics creates strange bedfellows" was right.